Welcome To The

Total Altruism Project®

Spreading health, happiness, and positive energy throughout the world!

[al-troo-iz-uhm] /ˈaltruːɪz(ə)m/



  • Doing something to benefit another, without desiring to be recognized, appreciated or rewarded.
  • Random act of kindness.

Making Everything Happier When It's Altruistically Powered

Can you imagine what could be achieved if we tap into a common "Random Act of Kindness", making it easier for people to do something good?

The Total Altruism Project® is about organizing such a task...and we think it will change the world for the better, in more ways than one.

What T.A.P.® is and How It Works

When a person performs an act of kindness, they end up feeling better about themselves.  The Total Altruism Project believes that if it could make it easier for a person to perform an act of kindness, then the frequency of that action should increase...giving more opportunities for people to feel good about themselves.  And if that random act also helps out the environment then, WOW, we might do the world "a world of good"!

By choosing "Picking Up a Piece of Litter" as the common act of kindness to make more convenient, T.A.P. thought: what could be simpler than to have litter-grabbing tools on stations alongside a popular path!?!  If a person is venturing a path, and something triggers the desire to remove some litter along the way, one of our stations will be nearby to make it easier for them.  There are multiple stations along that path for that person to return the litter-grabber further down their travels.

By taking a common litter-grabbing tool and tethering a small hand net to it, then placing the set on discrete stations spaced along a popular walkway, we believe we made it as convenient as possible for people to perform this common act of kindness. 

T.A.P. believes that if we can make this altruistic act more convenient for people to do then more people will do it. 

And then more people will feel good about themselves. 

And the environment will feel good.

And the custodians of the land will feel good that you have helped them.

And local governments that budget for litter control will feel good...and the good just seems to keep going on.

How could we not introduce T.A.P. to the world???

But wait, there's more...

A1 What T.A.P. Is collage of A, B & C

T.A.P® Foundation & Nonprofit Public Records

The Total Altruistic Project® Foundation is a nonprofit organization that identifies projects that heightens altruistic behavior in people which helps our environment, both ecologically and socially. Our organization then strives to implement the project to success.

Many of the Board members have friendships that developed over decades, and they came together as a group when one of them consulted others about a simple, conservation project idea...a conservation project the likes that a high school biology teacher might think of while walking their dog in a park.

Mapping T.A.P.®'S Growth

  • Total Altruism Project®

Mapping T.A.P.®'S Growth

  • Total Altruism Project®

How Litter Affects Our Environment

Most litter is not very nutritious for our environment.

There are 8+ billion people on earth now (I wish I could do a bug-eyed emoji here!). Keeping that growing number in mind, biologists classify the human population with the many other species that are known to overpopulate their environment until their environmental conditions worsen and cull the population.  We may be a ways off from that situation but we scientists, as well as those in the financial industry, understand exponential/compounding growth and are concerned with the direction we are headed.

This section of the website deals with how litter can work its way into the environment and what effect it has on it.  We hope we present it in a way you find educational, enjoyable, and, most importantly, trustworthy.  Oh yeah, it'd also be nice if we helped you become more sensitive to your carbon footprint.

Education & Career

The Total Altruistic Project Foundation is registered as a nonprofit education and conservation institution. Many of the foundation's board members are educators, both at the secondary education level and college level. Board members are creating a curriculum that is based on the business plan and feasibility studies they are using to create T.A.P., with a goal to educate and train students for careers in the fields of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability (no pun intended).  Using models based on cities from around the world, students will be trained on a variety of subjects to help them design a city-wide, altruistic conservation project.  Graduates from the program will be certified in implementing city-wide, altruistic conservation projects.

Enrollment into our Education-Certification program will not begin until near completion of our two feasibility studies (at present, we are only 1 month into our first feasibility study).  A very rough guesstimation of when certification courses will begin would be around May 2023.

Career opportunities:  we have envisioned expanding T.A.P. to other cities throughout the world...but we don't expect this to happen before July/August 2023.  Could you see yourself managing the installation and maintenance of T.A.P. projects throughout a city of your choosing???  Then press the "Read More" link...


To meet the timing of a college's Biostatistics course, using T.A.P. as their course project, we had to open up the T.A.P.  website before it was completed. Shortly we will have surveys available to help fine-tune our project and to help gather data that will help us understand what impact T.A.P. has on the environment.

How You Can Support T.A.P.®

 #1) Don't litter.  #2) If you are on a path that has T.A.P. alongside it, use our tools to pick up litter.  #3) We would love for you to make a financial donation to help fund our 2nd feasibility study in a different and larger location. Your money will help us test the modifications we made to the tools from the 1st study, AND to assure/prove that T.A.P. is supported in differing communities & environments.  

Reminder: we are a 501(c)(3) foundation and your donation may be tax deductible, making your donations an even better investment for you!

Another way you can help us is to use our project &/or spread goodness throughout the world. 

The Total Altruism Project, T.A.P into it. 

Community Forums

To meet the timing needs of a scientific study on what effect T.A.P. has on the environment, it was necessary to open the project up to the public before the website was completed, but it was important to have a website up to answer the public's basic questions as to what T.A.P. is about.

Stay tuned in for website updates


FIRST OF ALL...recognize that your state of mind will create mental challenges & exercises just by venturing around with one of our grabbing tools. Sometimes you might challenge yourself to retrieve litter from a water source without getting yourself wet, or from deep within a bush. Other times you might go into a meditative state, letting your body find and remove pieces of litter while your mind is somewhere else, or nowhere at all!

 HOWEVER...there are several fun things people have told us that they like to do while venturing around a T.A.P. course with one of our tools...

Contact Us

Have you ever picked up a piece of litter while on a casual stroll?

Have you ever felt bad when you had to pass up a piece of litter because, at that time, there wasn't a convenient or sanitary way to "hold on to it" until you are able to walk it to the next trash can?

Do you remember the feeling you get when you ARE able to easily remove that litter?

Sponsors & Endorsements

Having just opened to the public November 1st, we hope to soon fill this section with endorsements from people, institutions, clubs, foundations and others that share a growing philosophy that spreading good will and a healthy environment is good path to be on.

The Total Altruism Project®

T.A.P. into it

Get Involved

Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! 


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IG: total_altruism_project

Thank You